TOP > Recommended[Hito] > Takashi Miyake
"I want people to know more about Saijo through sweets made with local ingredients."

Takashi Miyake
Takashi Miyake has loved sweets since child.
After training in Hiroshima, Osaka, and France, opened his own confectionary studio, mike, in Saijo.
With the motto, "One work, one heart," the store offers sweets made with ingredients from Higashihiroshima.
The main sweets are made with two kinds of amazake from Saijo, a sake brewery.
One of the popular sweets is "Amazake Taruto from Sakagura Street."
It was after opening store that Mr. Miyake realized the charm of Saijo.
Originally from Fukuyama, he chose Saijo as a place with a good environment for his children and learned about the Sakagura.
"I really want people to know about it! That's how the Amazake Tart was made first.“
"I feel like making everything."
Mr. Miyake says with laugh.
"I wonder how to make these ingredients taste good, how it's made.
When thinking about it, I want to try it.
When finding something delicious or discover something new, I want to share them with others."
When he wanted to share the charm of her favorite sweets, which was the timing he opened his stop.
His unceasing curiosity and love for sweets is what keeps him going.
This is what pushes his pastry shop to keep moving forward today.
【The person who wrote this article】Ayumi Sato

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Basic Store Information
Store Name | 菓子工房mike |
Address | 東広島市西条町御薗宇6035コンチェルト御薗宇 1F,Hiroshima |
Business hours |
平日 10時~19時 土日・祝日 10時~18時 |
Regular holiday | 月曜日(火曜不定休有り) |
Access |