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"The earth is our temporary home. We can't move it.”

Hayato Shimonaga
"The earth is our temporary home. We can't move it.”
Mr. Shimonaga continues to protect the nature of his hometown, Fukutomi, as a speculator.
He cuts trees from the mountains, mills them, and uses the excess wood without wasting it.
To convey the goodness of wood in its natural state.
He wants people to touch wood and feel its warmth, and enjoy as they wish and as they like.
With this in mind, he started "speculator."
Inside the "Woodcutter" building, which was built by hand, you can see many woodcrafts made by Mr. Shimonaga.
These woodcrafts have fascinated not only adults but also many children.
Mr. Shimonaga grew up watching the back of his father, who was a speculator.
For more than 40 years since he became a speculator, he has been active in his hometown of Fukutomi.
He has been active in his hometown of Fukutomi for more than 40 years.
Connecting people to people is one of the ways Mr. Shimonaga contributes to the community.
He has built a strong relationship of trust not only with the local people for a long time, but also with those who have moved to Fukutomi. He says that it is important to believe in others first.
He loves his hometown and continues to convey its charm through her work.
With a smile, he expected that Higashi-Hiroshima will become more energetic.
At MICHISHIRUBE, we are planning a "woodworking experience" where you can feel the warmth of wood.
Please enjoy the charm of wood with the motto, "Do as you wish, as you like! “
【The person who wrote this article】Haruka Nagao

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Basic Store Information
Store Name | きこりや |
Address | 東広島市福富町上戸野1845−1,Hiroshima |
Business hours | 10時半から16時 |
Regular holiday | 月~木曜日(祝日の場合営業) |
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